Friday, February 18, 2011

Deep Water

Deep water
A person that you know has a great fear of drowning because of something that happens to him when he was young. One day he went to the pool and someone pushed him in,causing him down to the bottom.He tried to swim back up but his legs and arms were too weak until someone went in the pool and went down to save him. Later in life he asks someone to help him swim. In a few weeks he was able to swim and conquer his fear drowning in water.The story Deep Water by William O. Douglas that if you try to solve a problem you consistent effect will help overcome it.
Deep Water has a lot of meaning in it like if someone has a fear of something that he or she can overcome it and makes the person feel so prod. But also you might not be able to overcome it because that is scares you to even try it. The author of Deep Water gives you the fear he has of drowning in a pool. He also says that you should not give up a something but keep trying at it till you get it.
All Summer in a Day by Ray Bradbury is like the story Deep Water. How Deep Water is like All Summer in a Day because, both the authors have bullies in them. The bullies make the main charter get hurt in some way. In both stories the something happen to the main charter which make the bullies think about what they did to the person. Also the stories have great goals in them like before you do something you should think before you do it. The thing that happens could be a joke but something bad can happen and you might never forget what happened.
Deep Water has a lot of teaching in it which makes it great story to read. Also that deep water teaches a great meaning like that if you are scare of something you can overcome the fear. Deep water has a lot more thing then just that like that it teaches people great lesson . One more thing is that Deep Water says that if you fail at something you should keep trying till you pass it.

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