Monday, October 3, 2011


Seekers is about 3 bears a polar bear black bear and a brown bear. The polar bear has one brother. They live in Alaska and when they go and look for food, they go on the ocean and look for seals. Out of nowhere came a killer whale and it attacks the polar bears and it took the polar bears mom and her brother is now lost. She is on her own until she finds some bears that can help her.
The brown bear has a mom and one brother. His brother is very sick and might not make it much longer. One day when they are walking around looking for food the brown bear’s brother lies down and dies. The other brown bear thinks of his mom and dad. He says something to her and then he runs away and he has to live by himself out in the wild.
The black bear is living in a zoo and he does not know what the wild is like. She wants to go and live in the wild by herself with no help from anyone. One day the brown bear mother was caught and was brought to the zoo where the black bear lives. Mother Brown bear became best friends with the black bear mother. She tells the black bear to go and find my son and tell him that I’m sorry for what happened and I didn’t want it to happen. That gave the black bear the chance to leave, hunt and be able to live in the wild like she has always wanted to.
All of the bears are on their own and when they were alone they heard a lot of stories about the great bear star. All the bears from different places go and follow the star. So now they are on their way and they have to get food and water and a place to sleep at night by their selves. One day when then brown bear is following the star and he comes upon a hurt cub and he does not want to help the cub but something deep down in him wants him to. After thinking for a while he talks to the bear and asks him what is wrong and asks the other bear if he knows what to do. The hurt bear helps the other bear out and he tells him what to do and he does and helps the hurt cub. So the brown bear asks him if he knows an easy way to get to the great bear star and the cub does know a way. So he asks if the cub wants to come with him and help him find the great bear star. So the cub says yes to that and now the brown bear’s life just got a little more easy and a little more hard because he has an easy way to help him find the great bear star and hard because he has to feed one more mouth and find a bigger place to stay at night and he might have to change the way he would go and find the star and they might not all was think that they are both going to the right way but many be they do agree on some things.

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