Monday, December 19, 2011

Johnny Tremain Vs Ponyboy Curtis

Johnny Tremain vs. Ponyboy

Author note: This is about how Johnny Tremain and Ponyboy are the same and how they are different.

In a lot of books there are characters that are the same but they are in different books. Like in the book Outsiders by S.E Hinton and the book Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes. Which the main charter in those books are Ponyboy from the Outsiders and Johnny from the Book Johnny Tremain. There is many reasons how Ponyboy and Johnny are the same. Such as they’re both great hard workers and will work at it until they get it right. A reason why they are different is that he Johnny has to take care of himself and his family but Ponyboy does not have to take care of many people but he has to take care of himself. Make sure that he does not get himself in trouble and might hurt people or himself. There are a lot more than just that how Johnny Tremain and Ponyboy Curtis are same and how they are different.

To begin with there are many other books out there and they are much alike that have the same characters, but l pick the books Johnny Tremain and The Outsiders. Which are Ponyboy from the Outsiders and Johnny from the book Johnny Tremain. Some of the reason how they are the same is that one is that they both care much about their family and will do anything for them. Like in the Outsiders with Ponyboy and his friend Johnny goes into a fire to save some kids which were on a field trip. When Johnny and Ponyboy got all the kids out on the way out Johnny goy hurt very bad and had to go. At the hospital the doctors did the best that they can but Johnny died. So Ponyboy gets really mad because he thought that it was his fraught that he killed Johnny his best friend

In the book Johnny Tremain Step mom has a baby and she does not care about him The two books that I’m comparing the two characters from are The Outsiders and the main charters is Ponyboy and the other book is Johnny Tremain and the main charter is Johnny Tremain. What happen in each book is that in the Outsiders is that there is two part of two and one is the socs and the rich people and greasers in the other part and the poor part. Ponyboy is part of the greasers and his parents died in a car crash and he just has his two brothers. And in the book Johnny tremain Johnny has to work as a silversmith and when the war happens the guy that he is working for has to go to the war when it is over he has to go and find him. He goes to place to place finds out that he is dead.

Other reasons why they are like is that they alike are that they both have a hard life and will do anything to change and they do the best that they can with it. Like in the outsiders Ponyboy friends dies and he does the best and deal with it. And in the book Johnny has a little sister is very sick and his step mom does not care about it and he tries his best to make his little sister to make it better. How they are different is that they is that Ponyboy is in a gang with his friends and family and Johnny are not and lives with by himself but he is close to his family.

There are many books that have main charters that are the same but are in totally different books. Also there are books that are about the same thing but the main charters are totally different. So that why reading books so good.


  1. it is a good essay, but you need to split the paragraphs up and it is not five paragraphs.

  2. I think that I should get about a 85 on this essay

  3. Good job but hard to figure out where the paragraphs are split.

  4. this is a good length essay but i think the format dose not look correct
