Thursday, January 12, 2012

Dead Man Path

Dead Man Path

Author Note: this is about how when you choose one thing you can think that it is good but it tuns bad for you.

So what happen in the story Dead Man Path is that a new headmaster came into the school. His name was Chinua Achebe and he want to change everything about the school. Like that me want the school to look the best that it could be. He and his wife went and got flowers and other things and put them all around the school to make it look the best it could. So one day Chinua Achebe saw some person one a path that went through the school yard. He got very mad at it and said that he was going to close the path which he did. A couple of day later the village leader came and told Chinua Achebe that he should let people go through. Because it was the only path that went straight throw the village and were the village people burial place. And he still did not open for him so the next day when they got back to the school all the flowers and other things were killed.

So what a main problems in the book dead man path is that the headmasters didn’t let the people go through the path because it went straight through the school yard. Some of things that happen are that the flowers beds were killed and part of the school was torn down. Also that day the school boards came and check it out and saw that it was not such a great school and the headmaster didn’t have a job any more. Why this happen is all because he didn’t let the villager use that path and they got mad and did all that to the school. All he had to do is just let them go through the school yard but he thought that it was bad for the school. And for that all the bad things happen to him.

What I thought he should have done is to just let them just go through the school yard. Why I think that they should do that is because nothing would happen to him. But all the things happen to him because he wants the school to be the best that it could.

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