Monday, March 5, 2012



Samuel form the book "Woods Runner" by Gray Paulsen is one of the bravest people that I have read about. He is a 13 year old boy that lives in the woods with his parents. He knows his way around the woods and he is smart kid because he can go in the woods by himself and getting himself lost. Also one he strong because he lost his parents and he does not know if they are dead or alive. He just keeps praying that they don’t get killed and he saves them. How this show him brave because if I lost a parent I don’t think could keep my up like he does in the book. But inside I think he has mix feature because he can mad at the people that took his parents and all the people that they killed. Or he can be sad and want to lie down and just forget about what he saw and what he has to go through. But he doesn’t he want to save his parents and make sure that they are saved. That why Samuel is such a strong person in the book.

He has many roles in the book such as in the beginning his family was that he was to get and find land that they could farm on. But that changes when the story goes on it changes. Like when his parents are taken by the red coats and the Indians. He changes because he got to get stronger because he wants to find his parents. Also because how many dead bodies he finds on the way to find his parents. This make hi braver and stronger and even mad because he wants to just kill them. That is just some roles that happens in the book.

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