Wednesday, February 22, 2012

City Of Ember

City Of Ember
Author note: This is a predicting piece and what would happen to Doon and Lina on earth.

How would you like life where you live in a cave? You have a limited amount of food and just light bulbs and candles for light. But you think of a way to get out of the city and try to get out of the cave. You and your friend find a river and get things that you will need to live. Then you go down the river. Next you find a gate and open and you’re in a place at has a great big light in the sky and there are of lot of things that you have never seen before this. This is like the book the "City of Ember" by Jeanne DePaul and how people live under ground with no light from the sun. But people get out and try to start a new life on earth.

First think about starting a new life in a place that you have never been to or even have heard of it. This is what happens to Doon and Lina for the book the "City of Ember". Doon and Lina are the two man characters in the book. and which in my point of view they are the smartest people in the book. Because they are the only people to ever get of ember. What I think might happen to them when they get to earth is that they might not know what they are doing. They might get hurt kill them, or someone. They could do the opposite and have a great life out on earth. Find people and live with them and learn how they live. Also tell about people of ember and they might help them get out of ember. Why I think this because Doon and Lina where the only people to get out of ember without knowing how to get out. They had to find their way out and plan and get everything and leave friends and family back at ember.This shows that Doon and Lina are very smart people.

Why I think that something bad will happen to them is that they don’t know what is out there in the new place. They don't know what is good that could save them or what is bad and could hurt them. Also they don’t even know where they are and what they’re getting them self into. What I think would happen to them even if they didn’t find the path out of ember. Is that the lights would go out and people would start to get mad at each other. They would run out of food and people would even forget that there were people down there. That just a few of things that could happen if one thing were different in, the book

What I think would have happen if Doon and Lina told about what they found the river and all the boats. A lot of people would be happy because they found a way out of ember. Maybe a new place to start a new life and live a happy life because they are in place that doesn’t need light because it has a sun for light. Some of the bad things are that people would rush and try too much of one thing and don’t leave anything for anyone else. Which could drive people crazy and they could try to hurt other people to get the things that they have. That is some of the things that could happen if just one thing was different in the city of ember.

By just changing one thing can affect the book a lot how people think what could happen. That thing could be good or bad or both depending on the person and how it affects that person or many people. This could make you like that person or hate that person and by changing one thing can be big in the book.

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