Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Found A New Place

Author note: this is a letter from Doon to his Dad if he should come or not come to the new land.
Dad, Lina and I just found a new place. This new place that we found has one big light that comes and goes. Then a littler one comes up and it gets dark. We also found a book about people when they came to the City of Ember. Which has a lot of good things and how they got here and about this place to. Also when you come here if you do you can’t go back with the things that we have right now because the river is too strong to go back up it. There are a lot of great things in this new place such as that it has great colors that are very bright here. I have a lot of question about this place because haven’t see any things here.

There are some reasons why I think that you shouldn’t come here. One is that I know, if more people are going to come and make life bad here. because they could be mean and take all things that you need to get here. Also I don’t know if there are things here like food, water, homes or even people here. But I think there are a lot more reason why you should come here. Like that we can start a new life, and I don’t think this place needs lights bulbs to get light. Also it does get dark here by just when the big yellow thing goes down and a not so bright smaller comes up. Also if there is food here it look like that there would a lot more than we had in ember. They could also have food here that we have never even seen or tasted before.

Dad. I hope that you can come and join me and Lina on the new land. They’re great new things here that I would have never thought about it in Ember. Just think about this we can start all over with this new land and maybe there is people here that already have started a new place. We could follow them and trust them to take care of us and show us how they live here.

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