Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dead Man's Path

Dead Man Path
Author Note: this is about cause and effect and how you should think about what you are going to do before you do it.

In the story "Dead Man's Path" there is a new headmaster that comes into the school. He wants to change the school and make it the best school. He wants the school to look the best that it could be. He and his wife went and got flowers and other things and put them all around the school to make it look the best it could. So one day he saw some person one a path that went through the school yard. He got very mad at the person and said that he was going to close the path, which he did. A couple of day later the village leader came and told him, he should let people go through or bad things are going to happen. Why this path was bad to close because it was the only path that the villagers could use to get to their burial ground. He still didn’t open it for the villagers so the next day when they got to the school all the flowers and things were killed that they put around the school and part of the school was tore down. This made the school look very bad.

Some of the main problems in the story "Dead Man's Path" are that the headmaster didn’t let the people go through the path. Why this happen is all because he didn’t let the villagers use that path to go to the burial grounds. They got mad and did all that to the school to try to make him open the path for them. What they did to the school was that they went and killed all of the flowers and tore down part of the school.

Just because he didn’t let them go through the school yard to get to their burial grounds. What they saw was a school that did not look that good and he thought that it was not good for people to go to school. And the school board closes down the school and fires the headmaster because of how the school looks. All because he didn’t open a path for people to just walk down and do nothing else.

What I thought he should have done is to just let them just go through the school yard. Why I think that they should do that is because nothing would happen to him. Also because this is how those people live and you are taking something away from them that they need. If I want to this school I would be fine with this because they are doing nothing bad. But he didn’t like what he saw and try to change something that he couldn’t change.

"Dead Man’s Path" teaches a great lesson because he shows that when you try to changes something you can’t all ways do it. Because there are many people that might like it and they don’t want that to get change or it is something that they lived by. You should always think about something that you are going to do because the outcome might not be what you might think it will be.

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