Friday, February 10, 2012

Working Underground

Author Note: this is about how something can look like brave or something like that but is is not

"City of Ember" is about is that is about a city that has no light just light from light bulbs at are about to go out. And there are two kids Lina and Doon the main character and there are they got their jobs and they wanted to switch jobs because they got each other jobs that they went. And Doon wants to be a pipeline work do he can be underground. And try to fix the lights and that where the quote came from.

“Be brave I told myself. I kept going and going but of a sudden I thought about how there could be a 1,000 feet hole or big rats” said Doon. What this explains is that is tells you how it was scary for him in the tunnels. Also it tells more about Doon and how he can look brave but can be scary at other times.

The quote is such a good quote because when I was reading the book. I thought that Doon was a mean guy and many people didn’t want to talk to him. But when he said this it made me think that me gets scared to. It also it makes you think about how that Job would be like if you had to work down underground and would have to think about it every day when you are at work. There are a lot more good quotes in the book but this one just stood out more than the other. And that why I think it is such a good quote because of all the meaning behind it.

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